Your Small Gestures of Gratitude Can Have a Big Impact

Sweet thank-you messages bring smiles to Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center
January 15, 2021
From increasing COVID-19 cases and unemployment figures to heartwarming stories about non-profit organizations, incredible teachers, and multitasking parents steering their students through online learning, it’s been a challenging time for many. What can you do to address these overwhelming feelings and situations? It may be as simple as a heartfelt “thank you.”
“One of the most powerful actions anyone can take is to write a thank-you note,” said Valley Health System Regional Vice President Karla Perez. “A note, email, photo, artwork, or social media acknowledgment – what keeps our incredible team inspired is knowing they made a positive difference in someone’s life. It means more than anyone realizes.”
Supporting healthcare providers, delivery drivers and retail workers
The thank-you note concept applies for many frontline-responders – hospital workers, assisted living/nursing home caregivers, specialty retailers, the grocery store employees who are doing check-out, in-person and personal shopping, and the delivery drivers for hospital needs, Amazon, FedEx®, the United States Post Service and UPS®. A thank-you note or specially decorated poster on your door or mailbox can boost the spirits of many who are doing their best to help others.
Pre-packaged snacks, bottled beverages or other donations from a local business are always appreciated, too. “One neighbor keeps a cooler filled with beverages and a basket full of snacks for delivery drivers. We leave bottled water for our beloved garbage collection pros. My mom makes a regular run to a big box store to stock up on snacks and beverages to deliver to her local police station in central Illinois,” said Gretchen Papez, director of public relations for The Valley Health System.
Supporting EMS, fire and police
“Our first responders, whether police, fire or EMS, appreciate a friendly wave. If drivers see or hear an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens activated, they should wait at a stoplight, even if it’s green, or move over to the far right lane [when there are no street barriers] to save our first responders valuable minutes,” said Valley Health System Emergency Medical Services Director Tony Greenway. “In emergency situations, every minute counts. Small delays due to traffic, distracted drivers and those who do not yield the right of way can all add up to significant delays in care. You can help support our emergency responders and the people they serve by staying alert and pulling over as soon as it is safe to do so.”
Thanking educators
A Facebook post asked about the best way to thank educators. The answer? Many educators wrote that a personal note or drawing from their student was most appreciated, followed by gift cards that could be used for classroom and teaching purposes.
The bottom line? A genuine thank-you gesture shows people that you care, no matter their job title or responsibility. To everyone in the community who has gone out of their way to thank our Healthcare Heroes and frontline workers during this unprecedented time, thank you for your support.