Creating a Living Will
An Advance Healthcare Directive (Living Will) is a signed, written document that communicates to others, under certain medical circumstances, what care you would like to receive, or not receive, should you be mentally impaired or unable to communicate.
It can only be followed if you are diagnosed, in writing, by one or more attending doctor(s) to be either in a terminal condition or, in a permanent unconscious condition as certified by two physicians. A Healthcare Directive can provide physicians and hospital staff with the direction needed for making important treatment decisions such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardioversion (electrical heart stimulation), intubation, feeding tubes, catheterization and mechanical ventilation.
Make your wishes known to your family and healthcare providers in case of an incapacitating accident or illness.
Personal Decision Workbook
Download the VHS Personal Decision Workbook (PDF)
After you fill it out, provide a copy to one or more family members, to your primary care physician and any other healthcare providers you choose.