Cyndee Combs is the first person in Nevada to receive the Confirm Rx™ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.
After Cyndee Combs, 52, began experiencing sudden dizzy spells, shortness of breath and other troubling heart symptoms last year, she became the first patient in Nevada to receive the Confirm Rx™ Insertable Cardiac Monitor in an outpatient procedure at Desert Springs Hospital, under the care of Arjun Gururaj, MD, medical director of the hospital's electrophysiology lab.
“It’s teeny tiny,” says Combs of the device, which is implanted just under the skin in her chest. It’s synced with an app on her phone and automatically records her heart rhythm, sending reports directly to her cardiologist’s office.
She explains that having access to this 24/7 monitoring helped confirm her diagnosis of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response (A-fib with RVR), a condition where the lower chambers of the heart beat too fast. “It defined what was going on, so we were able to create a treatment plan for it,” she says. She keeps busy as a nurse and also likes to stay active with her grandchildren. Now, she can get the care she needs to keep doing what she loves. “They were amazing,” she says of her medical team.
Learn more about advanced cardiac treatment at Desert Springs Hospital >